
Land Division performs shuffle

The Land Division of DDS Terrestrial Forces has performed one of its regular shuffles of its 4 active departments, some brigades moving into a reserve status and some moving into a more active status. As well as this the 1st Fire Support Brigade has been declared fully operational. The first of 3 brigades supplied by the Porquatians, the 4th Armoured Brigade, has also been declared operational though it remains on the reserve list for the time being.

The head of Terrestrial Forces Zeppelin said the shuffles were vital in keeping troops fresh and also allowing time for units to recharge and refresh training after periods in service.
  • June Fade 2113, the latest DDS exercise was due to start this week though was delayed for some unspecified reason (but thought to due to a shortage of available ships). The minesweeping exercise will still take place but not until next week. The ship line-up will be announced tomorrow.
  • The Dinos are reported to have begun trials with a research Dinomark XT (ex-Dino Army) fitted with a fully holographic interior. The ship's interior including controls are computer generated and can be adapted for different crews, missions and situations.