The Corkscrew 51A is based on the Rome 46A though is larger and more powerful coming with TPM VLS batteries and a Z7 cannon (the latter not yet fitted, a stock Z6 has been fitted instead for the meantime). The DDS have 54 on order though the next 5 to be built will be for the Remedians to finally replace the ageing Kalahati Tuul 2 (Perimpaz 39A). These ships will begin construction soon for delivery in 2114 and early 2115.
- The DDS Exports Agency and DDS Engineering have, with the first Corkscrew beginning trials, described how they will switch over production from the Isometric to the Corkscrew. The Corkscrew will be built at 2 sites, one at Solaris and the other at the Raegris Central District. Each will be able to produce about 3 Corkscrews a year when at full capacity. At the moment the Raegris line is building the Isometric-E of which there are 5 orders outstanding. The DDS are hoping to complete production on that line by the end of 2114 or early 2115 and then (after around 5-6 months to modify the jigs) build Corkscrew on it too. It is unlikely that more than one Raegris built Corkscrew will be seen before the end of 2115. Extra Isometric orders could delay things further though its likely the DDS will cease selling the type early next year. The DDS say they are not expecting full 6-a-year production until 2116, that plus the fact any export orders will be given priority will mean it could take well over 11-12 years to complete the DDS order alone. This will be similar to the Isometric though which has been in production now for 13 years.