
HCS View : Latest from the HCS reorganisation

General Garendin, former commander of the HCS 140th Infantry Brigade and current adviser to the HCS Future Strategy Committee

As reported a short while ago the HCS are considering the biggest reorganisation in its history with the traditional arms being disbanded and replaced by a number of role-driven "forces". I recently attended a thought shower of senior ex- and current HCS officers where we discussed the various issues involved.

The line of of these new "forces" has been finalised and consists of HCS Local Forces, HCS Tactical Forces, HCS Strategic Forces, HCS Space Forces and HCS Support Forces. A final decision whether to go ahead with the reorganisation is expected to be made by Oojok later in the year.

One thing that has been agreed is a limited trial to see how some of these ideas will work in reality. We have chosen Taragargi as the site of the field test and the HCS and HCSAF forces on the planet will become the Taragargi Army and Taragargi Air Force which will be part of HCS Local Forces. This trial will begin in August.