
C-426 enters service

The first 5 of 300 ordered C-426 Carnival light transports have entered service with the HCSAF. The small utility transport will fill a real gap in the HCS for communications and liaison transport which often has to be done with aircraft ill-suited to the role. The C-426 was designed to be very cheap to build and operate.

It has a simple design and is powered by 2 of the same engine that powers the A-85 and O-47, it also shares around 20% of the COIN aircraft's components including much of the avionics and the tail. A tanker version able to refuel the projected next version of the A-85 and other piston engined aircraft/helicopters called KC-426 is in development.
  • The Dinos have sent their medical database on "worm syndrome", an illness caused by incorrectly calibrated worm drive fields, to the DDS who have noted some similar cases on SS Isometric. All worm drive jumps are currently suspended in the DDS except in case of emergencies.