
The Shiner releases funds

Deputy Commander & Finance Officer Shiner has done something very unusual (and no doubt very painful and unpleasant for himself) that is increase a budget! He has released 110 million zarks to DDS Operations to fund greater training and a much greater number of exercises than originally planned.

Knobhead has already announced a minesweeping and joint operations exercise will now take place with the Porquatians next month though no more details have yet been given.
  • Shiner has also given the New DDS Army 35 million zarks for the procurement of 100 T-55ZDM tanks from the Clones. These will equip the 2nd Armoured Brigade which is currently forming. 7 million extra has also been given to build up the army's stockpile of artillery and anti-tank missiles.
  • A Kelsan KS bomber is understood to have been involved in a serious collision with a commercial freighter near Daggaddon in the CSE-W. A number of fatalities on both ships have been reported by unconfirmed sources.