
Fleet lobbies for extra funds for training

The DDS Space Fleet is lobbying The Shiner for extra funding to enable more training to take place and the sort of mix of small and large exercises to take place as did before the war. As a cost saving measure the DDS have cut out small exercises and concentrated instead of large set-piece exercises like Atomic Fist and Ground Shock.

Head of Operations Knobhead said that the DDS needed to maintain a full spectrum of skillsets and asked for an extra 110 million zarks funding which would enable a series of small exercises throughout the year, more integration training with the DDS' allies and improve the curricula at DDS Training. The Shiner is likely to agree to the increase as other savings have exceeded forecasts elsewhere plus there is the worry that the DDS might start to lose its edge without continuing its training regimes.
  • DDS Engineering and DDS Research are to hold a 2 day "DDS Technology" conference over the next 2 days. Keynote addresses will be made by AP, Sea Urchin and Dr Forbidden who is expected to outline details of Open Architecture 3.0, the latest version of the underlying technology platform that underpins most of DDS space ship technology. 
  • SS Isometric is to take over the flag (and hence be the only worm drive equipped ship) in the Rapid Reaction Force from tomorrow. The DDS said the Isometric was a fully capable ship but the allocation of the trials ship to this role does indicate the DDS are still very short of worm drive equipped ships.