Ronald has kept a low profile since stepping down as Consul at the end of last year (and thus becoming a regular guy). It has been reported he has been spending most of his time with his baby daughter Crystal. However now Ronald has stepped back into the public view which observers think is part of his road back to power. Ronald is eligable for Consul election again next year (4 years after the start of his last reign) and is expected to be on the Imperial Order ticket for that election.
Ronald, who is Head of the Senate and Minister of Cultural Affairs (he saw an art exhibition once, while escaping the rain), has taken over command of the 6th Legion (an elite, though largely ceremonial unit these days) and he will also take charge of a Dino exercise to be held on Xi next month. It is possible he may take over the Ministry of the Interior next year when Jimmy becomes Consul (which he will) though the Liberal Party may be keen to get ZBH into that role. Another option maybe thus be Ronald taking ZBH's existing job as Minister of Finance, Trade & Industry "which probably means economic collapse in a week!" said a wag, anonymously.