
CSM closer to operational deployment than DDS thinks?

Although the HCS themselves have been rather vague on when the Clone Space Missile, nuclear armed missiles than can be launched from the surface of Cloneworld (or other planets) and strike targets on other worlds, would be deploymed. The DDS recently have been saying it was likely to be around 2112-3. Still before the DDS plan to field their similiar LRM-20 but not too long as LRM-20 is hoped to be ready by around 2116.

However now HCS bloggers are reporting CSM Phase 1 could enter service by the end of next year! Work on the Gale-III based booster has been completed and work on the space-stage, the NSV (Nuclear Space Vehicle) is well advanced. NSV is based on the HCS' superluminal UCV Nybble which could enter service next year. As the NSV is bascially a Nybble stripped down to the bare minimum to make a 1-way trip it can be seen that NSV could be close to completion too.

A full test launch of a NSV topped missile is planned for early next year and the first superluminal tests of NSV could occur around a similiar time. The HCS could, if nothing goes badly wrong, be ready to field a basic CSM system (likely to be only able to hit DDS GHQ) by the end of next year with a re-programmable system in place by the end of the year after.

By the time the DDS have LRM-20 ready the HCS could have already moved onto their Phase 2 of CSM with submarine launched and road-mobile launchers missiles across a number of locations in the empire.