
More on future HCS space plans

A continuation of analysis into the leaked report on future HCS space warfare.

Shark Block 2 (a DDS designation) is likely to have a new engine though details in the leaked report are vague on this, however other intelligence indicates a new engine in the same weight class as the engine currently used in the Shark is in development though producing "at least 15% more thrust". Reliability is also a focus of development, the engine currently used in the Shark failing on a number of occasions.

The multi-phase weapons currently in development by the HCS will be fitted to Shark Block 2 (and other ships after refits). These are the "milestone 1" of the roadmap to produce trans-phasic weapons the DDS currently enjoy. Though development will be a long one to get to that stage. Multi-phase weapons are much cruder though still more effective than current HCS weapon technology. Open source intelligence on DDS shield technology indicates that they should be able to withstand these first generation weapons though full trans-phase will be a different story. Interestingly the HCS are going for beam weapons along missile from the start, the DDS only coming to trans-phase beam weapons in the near future (Zip cannon).

The report also mentions amphibious warfare, an area where the HCS are well ahead of their rivals at least for now. The Intruder assault carrier is a successful type and should remain in service well into the 2120s. For now the HCS are not looking into a replacement. The Tiamon carrier is a different story though. A larger type is expected to be developed in the 2120s. This will also form the basis for a future "support carrier" thought to be similiar to the Missileer at least in carrier and operations mode. This will support planned HCS USVs like the Nybble and other projected space drones. The report mentions building a similiar USV to the DDS/Dino Ferret-E though no details are known. Though the Ferret itself was inspired by an older HCS USV no longer in service so it could be they end up with a similiar machine. No time scale is given for this though.

Finally the report mentions the successful transport arm of the HCS Space Navy and the future Type Z bulk transport is expected in the early 2110s. The Type A/J is expected to remain in sustainable rate production for decades to come though work is expected on an improved general purpose transport to replace the Type B. The Type C was supposed to do this but the HCSSN do not like the type that much. Interestingly the report says it would be advisable to adopt a common hull form for transport and other roles like the support carrier. The report mentions the success of the DDS SUP platform and says the HCS should explore doing the same.