
DDS called to attack Rathun rebels

King Rathun has used the mutual defence pact UNP planets sign with the DDS to force the DDS to use airpower against the rebels now rioting across his planet following the collapse of reform talks. 6 F-10A fighter bombers are based on the planet tasked with air defence over the DDS base near Rathunojaya, the capital. However the DDS all 6 fighters were unavailable due to "maintenance and servicing".

"Its a shame we cannot intervene and slaughter these civilians." A DDS spokesman deadpanned to reporters, "Unfortunately our fighters are all grounded because of some technical hitches." The spokesman did not say what these sudden hitches were though, the aircraft being fine up until yesterday.

King Rathun also asked for orbital bombardment against the northern city of Elatasia which has declared independence from Rathun but the DDS said the ships in orbit were not suitable. One reporter said that a Rome class corvette was in orbit but the spokesman said it did not have the ground attack module.

The DDS are keen not to get involved with Rathun's internal troubles knowing how bad it would look at a time of budget pressure for DDS weapons, paid for by heavily taxed UNP citizens, to be used to kill heavily-taxed UNP citizens...