
Uprising on Rathun's World, DDS to be called in

A coalition of non-human and human factions has launched an uprising in the troubled Oran province of Rathun's World. King Rathun has sent his army to put down the uprising but his forces are struggling to contain the uprising and it is speculated he may call in DDS assistance as is his right. However this puts the DDS in an interesting position.

The uprising is calling for democracy on Rathun's World which is run on an absolute monarchy basis. Thus if the DDS do intervene they will assisting in the suppression of democracy which may not be good for their image in the rest of the UNP. The DDS do not have much choice though as per the terms of the agreement UNP planets sign with the DDS the UNP planets have to assist the DDS with armed forces if needed and vice versa. Rathun's World troops already assisted the DDS during the hunt for Windscorpion a few years ago.

There is a squadron of DDS F-10A fighter bombers on the planet and these may be called upon.