
HCS Round-up (23/10/07)

The HCSAF's fleet of F-42 Forthright interceptors has been grounded following a crash at Ailier Central AFB that killed the pilot. The fighter crashed on landing when the undercarriage buckled. Checks on the rest of the 118 strong fleet has revealed cracks in the undercarriage main load carrier bars. The entire fleet has been grounded, the latest in a series of setbacks for the much troubled F-42. This could be the final straw though as the HCSAF are considering withdrawing it now, several years early.

"Fixing the undercarriage problem will cost a lot and take some time." A senior HCSAF source said, "As the aircraft are due to be replaced in 2110 to 2111 anyway we have to consider if it is worth it." The F-42 is due to be replaced by the F-45C which is due to enter service in late 2109. Existing F-45As and late-model F-40s will take over interceptor duties for now though lack the range and BVR capabilities of the F-42. The HCSAF are likely to consider it a risk worth taking.

Continuing with the F-45C the HCS Navy are likely to choose it as their next naval fighter. The Navy's F-40Ns are ageing and a replacement is needed for the mid-2110s. CAC (Clone Aircraft Corporation) have offered the navy a navalised version of the F-45C, the F-45K. A CAC spokeswoman said that if the Navy give the go-ahead now the first F-45Ks will be delivered in 2112. That would still mean that the new aircraft carrier CNS Cloneworld will spent it's first 1-2 years in service with F-40Ns however.

Staying with naval aviation the Navy has placed an order for 12 TR-72M2 maritime reconnaissance aircraft and 6 ER-72M EW/Elint aircraft. These are the latest versions of the highly successful Mustang tactical reconnaissance platform, the ER-72M is a new version of the EW Mustang optimised for over water operations. The Navy's existing TR-72Ms will also be bought up to M2 standard.

Finally moving into space the HCS Space Fleet has announced a 450 million zark upgrade of it's fleet of 25 Soulaki cruisers. The upgrades will include systems from the Soulaki-B varient including enhanced sensors and shields as well as some refurbishment of older ships.