
Fleet news (30/10/07)

Rome corvettes K110 Nero and K111 Ovid have joined the fleet following a ceremony at Proxima 7. They are the first of the Rome B type with enhanced capabilities. The DDS are now looking at retrofitting some Rome B technologies into the previous build examples.

The Mars class frigate, the third generation of the Isometric platform has been renamed the Battle class (which was actually the original name of the first Isometric-3 design). No reason for the name change was given by the DDS which apparently came directly from Windscorpion. The order for the class has been increased to 20.

The Fly class, the design consultation for a superluminal version of the SROPS/Heron has been concluded. The type was decided too small to be worth proceeding with. However the DDS are now looking at an enlarged design called Fly-100.

A601 Fulcrum, the first of the new "special purpose" transports (i.e. special forces) has joined the fleet though it's first mission will be the certify operations and carry out proving trials when used in conjunction with R101 Missileer. The DDS do not expect to use the type in anger until next year.

A116 Forwarder, a Provider transport, has also joined the fleet. Interestingly it's first mission will be a "sales trip". The planet of Orratai will evaluate the type as they have shown interest in purchasing the forthcoming export version of the transport.