
Remedians in chaos after catastrophic defeat

The Remedians are in tatters today after the long-awaited attack by Utrek forces on the DDS-Remedian fleet at Remedia Prime. No fewer than 8 Remedian warships have been destroyed including their flagship and the Military Commander Lord Argrox killed. The DDS also lost a Pulsar.

The time leading up to the battle was fraught with disagreements between the DDS and Remedians who refused to take orders from The Orchid as she is female. Thus their ships were collected together. The Utrek switched tactics and hit the Remedians hard spearheaded by their Reptoli Tuuls which destroyed the flagship Kenora cruiser 1901R Remedia and then cut through the shocked Remedian fleet like a hot knife through butter. DDS ships were pinned down by other Utrek ships and were unable to assist before it was too late. Two ships received moderate damage.

The Remedians suffered greatly however, Kalahati Tuuls 2702R Bintang Minor, 2703R Algol 7, 2706R Mila, 2709R Pelis Tnar, 2712R Telaski Belt and Kalahati Tuul 2s 2801R Lord Argrox and 2805R Lord Arci were destroyed or had to be abandoned. Two other KT2s also received severe damage and had to retreat. The DDS were forced to retreat as they risked being outflanked by the surging Utrek forces, this left Remedia Prime vulnerable.

Three Utrek MTs headed to the planet to launch a nuclear strike, thought to be on the capital, Pulsar class ship 1017 South East Asia managed to intercept and destroy the bombers but in doing so it had to sacrifice itself and ignore Reptoli Tuuls which destroyed it. Captain Arcady and his crew sacrificed their lives to prevent the probable deaths of millions. The Orchid said "After such selfless heroism their names will not be forgotten, Captain ...er... Arcadian!" The Utrek moved into orbit however and began a systematic bombardment using energy weapons, a nuclear strike cannot be ruled out.

The DDS fleet and what is left of the Remedian fleet are currently regrouping but are in no shape to counterattack, for now Remedia Prime is at the Utrek's mercy. The DDS are reporting 23 Utrek ships were destroyed in the battle but today belongs to the Utrekians. Lord Arci has taken over Military Command of the Remedians.