
Raegris detail their DF-1 frigate, also for the DDS?

Some time ago the Raegris ordered 8 frigates off the DDS based on the Terran Sea / Isometric platform. At a press conference today a Raegrian minister said that the Raegris had come to an agreement with the DDS to deliver the first 2 frigates within a year of the end of the war with the Utrekians.

The DF-1 He'Taka is based on the Terran Sea but has some notable differences. The Z-cannon has been moved to a belly-mounted turret with 110 degree field of fire. The dorsal position is now to be taken up with an interchangeable weapons pod, the Raegris said at first there would be 2 pods : missile attack and mine laying but others may be added later. The DF-1 would have a cruising speed of 900c and a sprint of 1000c.

Analysts are saying that the DDS may use the DF-1 design as the basis for their next frigate. Although 15 Terran Seas are on order its likely only half of those will be built (unless the war carries on for a long time). The DDS want to build 10 new frigates to replace the Remedian fleet and the DF-1 design is likely to be basis of it.