Some have asked where Windy has been lately, well he has been taking a well deserved break from killing and war at the Butlins in Minehead. Here, in his own words, is a report of his vacation.
Hello young men, and young women too of course. Don't forget the words of Sappho. Well i have had a very enjoyable time at the holiday camp. I love camps. I remember when i was younger i often had a great time camping. With fellow young men enjoying the frugal, disciplined yet fulfilling life under canvas...
So what did i do here? Mostly i was relaxing with some young chums i met here. Listening to Erasure and the PSB while having a very enjoyable massage. Of course we also did some physical activities. Potholing for example. I am very keen on getting into dark holes. There was also some riding. There is nothing better than a vigorous young steed between your thighs...
So refreshed i return to DDS duties. I believe some of the young men have become slack in my absense. Undisciplined. I shall have to come down hard on them...