While Oojok was being received by LORD ROTARIOS at DDS GHQ previously unknown forces against his rule were acting. Captain Clone has launched a military coup, seizing power in his Emperor's absense. Captain Clone has the HCS with him and has moved to eradicate the Clergy. A Gale-II IRBM was launched to destroy the RP HQ in a nuclear strike! Air raids against other RP targets and the ODS have also occurred. The wherabouts of Ayatollah Akiwati are unknown, he is assumed dead in an air raid on his residence.
Captain Clone's biggest shock however was his announced alliance with Benito. He said that the rule of an alien (Oojok) and a false prophet over the Clones was over. It was time for the Clones to govern themselves, not be subject to alien power. He said that he would run the empire in a triumverate with Benito and The Friar. Oojok is currently at DDS GHQ, the DDS have offered him temporary sanctuary. More details as they emerge.