

We're closing in on UV100, but first of all UV97 Purity Of Purpose includes 6 bowel shattering stories! In Horny Gay Men the DDS reach the site of the Rectoid temporal experiments and come under attack. In Queen Of 1000 Years Ronald decides to keep tabs on Lakes by appointing Z-B-H and the new SS Deputy Commander. Megara begins his operation against Benito in Megara @ Austini 55 but is he the hunter or the hunted?

The DDS find a temporal hole in Sharper + More Clinical and ...er... fall into it. In our latest view of the recruits in On Parade Krusty and his fellows are chosen to take part in the ceremony for Smellyson's wedding. Finally in The Professionals Sea Urchin is caught in a honey trap.

UV97 is available in all brothels and chavette's panties. UV98 Impossible Is Nothing will be available next month.