
UNP President and AP to visit Raegris

The UNP President Arkness and DDS Commander AP will be visiting the Raegris later in the month. Although the Raegris are among the DDS' closest allies these days (producing most of the DDS' export ships for example) the separation of space between themselves and the rest of the DDS often gives the Raegris the image of being a bit isolated.

AP is keen to integrate the Raegris tighter into the DDS system, he also wishes to discuss the astral-political situation viz a viz the Vosun Star Empire. The vassals of the Bolitic have recently seen an attempted coup and some DDS insiders wonder if the DDS should try and support dissidents and try with the hope the new regime wishes for better DDS relations, maybe even joining the DDS in future.
  • The Rome 46A Light Combat Ship has been calibrated for worm drive. Only the flagship P101F Cicero is scheduled to receive a worm-drive however. This work will be carried out while AP visits the Raegris (see above). While his ship is being modified he will transfer his flag to an Indy 35B.