
Dino View : The breaking of isolationism comes from a most unusual source

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

If one was to choose one word to define Dino foreign policy and even general cultural trajectory over the last few decades that word would be : "isolation". The Dinos tended not to have any allies apart from loose-ish ties with the Starbotians and later the DDS. The Dinos did not seek alliances or to take part in other people's fights except where the Dinos themselves were in peril such as the great war against the Tarbotians at the end of the last century.

However all that has now changed. The Dinos have formed the Dino Trade Association and have added a number of foreign powers to their new organisation, some of them not even ethnic Saurians. The Dinos have also begun the setting up of a network of bases away from Dino territory. The Dinos have even put their forces under the command of others, such as the Sirikwanese command of a recent DTA fleet.

The word is no longer isolation but now co-operation. But how did this massive change take place? Who is responsible for this 180 degree turn. It will surprise many that the change is not due to a new generation of more cosmopolitan leaders but instead is the mastermind of Ronald himself. Yes Ronald, the oldest of the old guard, a man so conservative it is said he has had the same breakfast every day for the last 189 years (not true in fact, its probably only 132).

The truth is Ronald has always been much less rigid and uncompromising than his public persona has been painted. Ronald has always preferred to let this image of a hard philistine be unchallenged as it has so often led enemies into a false sense of security. Many foes have assumed Ronald was an unimaginative military thug who could be easily outwitted but in reality he is the total opposite. Although it is true that he does hate modern art and only listens to Dino death metal.

Ronald has always been keen to visit and experience foreign cultures, he even spent several years off Dino-Land in a sabbatical (where of course he created the DDS). Ronald was keen to keep the Dinos isolated because he saw this as the best way to maintain their sovereignty. Now with a fast changing geo-political landscape he sees that a new era of openness and co-operation is instead what the Dinos need.

So ironically it is the oldest of the old guard who is bringing in the newest of the new.