
Bolitic power finally smashed in huge battle near Pulsin

A combined Dino-Sirikwan fleet has engaged a Bolitic fleet near Pulsin and dealt a hammer blow to the remaining Bolitic fleet in a huge battle in which Emperor Borca is believed to have been killed though its not known if it was at Dino hands or by his own side.

The battle was costly for the Dinos though who lost 28 ships (4 PTs, 2 NGs and 22 XTs), the Sirikwanese who contributed 4 ships did not lose any though one was badly damaged. The Bolitic lost the bulk of their remaining front-line fleet including much of the Emperor's Chosen Men. 6 Snarls, 19 Meltinans, 4 Helwins and 3 Redhulls were destroyed in the battle. When the Emperor's death was reported the Bolitic fleet then withdrew and handed the Dinos the victory.

Though an attack has been rumoured for some time the Dinos and Sirikwanese had kept their preparations secret in order to draw the Bolitic into a battle at a place of their choosing. The Bolitic have now withdrawn all forces back into their territory, there is no word yet as to whether the Dino-Bolitic war is over but it seems unlikely the Bolitic will want to continue. With the death of Borca the focus will now be a war of succession.