
Zanus announces he will stand in the Consul election

Senator Zanus, the Minister of the Interior, has said he will stand as an independent in the next Consul election to be held in November. El Diablo has already said he will stand as the Imperial Order candidate but the ex-Emperor is a controversial figure. Although popular he is also seen as a bit of an idiot. Even Ronald, his party leader, has referred to him as a "lovable buffoon".

Zanus however is a different prospect, an old warrior who has fought alongside Ronald from the old days. He is not as high a profile as people like El Diablo but has much experience in high office including a very successful multi-year stint as head of the army. Zanus is highly respected by the Dino population.

The Liberal Party have not yet said if they will stand in the election though ZBH has hinted he will. This year's Consul election will finally be one that is not a walk over for one candidate.