
Solaris withdrawn from front-line service

The remaining 4 Solaris frigates have been withdrawn from front-line service. The ships are considered too obsolete to cope with the Utrek threat (4 have been lost in combat this year against the Zones and Utrek) and in any event the DDS have enough modern frigates to cover their patrols.

One Solaris (3801 Solaris II) will be retained as a training ship (probably replacing the remaining Intrepid which is expected to be given to the Aritans) and renumbered the 9200 class. The other 3 Solaris will be sold to the Aritans who already operate one ex-DDS Solaris.

One Solaris is currently on a patrol near Rathun's World and when it returns to base next week it's 6 year long career on the DDS front-line will end.